Like a Sitting Duck

A recent publication in JAMA, Optimizing the Trade-off Between Learning and Doing in a Pandemic left a great void from the patient and carepartner perspective.

I'm disappointed to see that, once again, patients & their carepartners are NOT included in the potential solutions to enrich BOTH learning & doing while in a pandemic.

This is one of the biggest failures of the clinical trial landscape, COVID-19 or not.

  • What if we had a pandemic clinical trial consent process?

  • What if people could be informed of trial options ahead of time and proactively provide consent to clinical trials in anticipation of being diagnosed with COVID19?

  • Why can't I as a patient proactively consent to participate in a clinical trial for COVID19, as a just in case, especially while I'm literally sheltering at home in a COVID19 hotspot like a sitting duck?

We have advance directives for end-of-life care planning. Why not advance consent directives for potential clinical trial participation?

Just like the taboo about death and end-of-life care planning, talking about clinical trials is always too early, until it's too late.

Here's the article: